CC’24 Topic 4: Severance Town Center
Our fourth and final topic for our 2024 round of the Crowdsourced Conversation forum series is “Severance Town Center.” The survey was live September 15-October 15. The forum on this topic took place on Tuesday, November 12 from 7pm-8:30pm at Heights High School.
Crowdsourced Conversations is a community-building program that provides a safe and welcoming space for Heights residents to come together and brainstorm ways to become more engaged in the community.
The 2024 forum series is being planned in partnership with FutureHeights Community & Civic Engagement Committee, Height Libraries, Home Repair Resource Center, Cleveland Heights Green Team, Heights Bicycle Coalition City of Cleveland Heights Racial Justice Task Force, representatives of Cleveland Heights City Council, and more. Thank you for the joy, wisdom, and enthusiasm you bring to the table!