On Tuesday, April 30, over 50 Heights community members gathered at Made Cleveland in Coventry Village for our first Crowdsourced Conversations form of 2024!
ACTION STEPS: Each group identified meaningful action steps they could take, either individually or as part of the collective. Here are some highlights from each group.
BLUE GROUP: Choosing to live less car-centric requires some planning: bunch errands together, for instance, or think about what can be accomplished in proximity — being intentional about routes can make it simpler to walk or bike instead of driving to local destinations. This group wants to commit to using their cars for a minimum of one fewer local trips/errands on a weekly basis. Having improved biking infrastructure (including access to bike racks) would make this infinitely easier.
GREEN GROUP: Public transit could be a great option for those wishing to rely less on cars, but the routes are sometimes too far apart or not convenient to get to desired destinations. There are also many in our community who either have never used public transit before or have very limited experience. With greater exposure to taking the bus/rapid places, more people may opt to use public transit. Working with the community to understand their public transit needs could make it much easier to set down car keys when traveling locally.
ORANGE GROUP: Safety and accessibility are keys to transportation, regardless of the mode. Having quality sidewalks, protected & connected bike lanes as well as safe places to lock bikes once destinations are reached, and making public transit easy to use are all ways to reduce reliance on cars. Creating community-building opportunities around walking/biking/taking public transit to an event or a location could help those who might ordinarily just drive somewhere be more likely to want to use a car-free mode of transit instead.
PINK GROUP: Infrastructure improvements could include adding more trees/shrubs to the medians and having more brick roads, as both have proven to reduce speeding. Clearing debris, snow/ice, and other obstructions from bike lanes and pedestrian pathways would make walking or cycling places safer and more effortless. Creating intentional spaces for pedestrians — places where cars are not permitted — increases a sense of safety and encourages community to gather while possibly also supporting local businesses.
PURPLE GROUP: Education is the key. The more people know how to use public transit, the more aware of cyclist/pedestrian traffic laws, the more confident they become to utilize these methods of travel. The current mindset is car-first, but if a better balance could be achieved, not only would travel be safer for everyone, it would normalize and promote non-driving modes of transit.
RED GROUP: Incentivizing non-car options could help motivate residents to opt to walk/bike/take public transit more often. For instance, a tax credit for the purchase of an e-bike. Making public more accessible would make it easier to use as well. Perhaps a “hub” could be established where a number of different routes could be accessed. Committing to a “car free” day once per week (especially during warmer months) could create less car-centric habits.
Here are some additional ideas for action steps:
- Host your own small group action-oriented discussions with your family, friends, and neighbors. You can even use our small group discussion questions from our “Active Transportation: Living Less Car-Centric in the Heights” forum to get you started!
- Write articles or op-eds — or maybe even inquire about being a columnist — for the Heights Observer.
- Join us for the next Crowdsourced Conversation forum to meet other engaged Heights residents.
- Charlie Mosbrook’s opening remarks
- James Liou’s opening remarks
- Lively discussion
- Small group
- Active Transportation Forum
- Lots of folks biked to the forum
- Safe Streets for Cleveland Heights (learn more/sign up for updates here)
- Visit this interactive map to help identify target areas for the Safe Streets initiative
- Learn more about the Complete Streets plan
- Transportation assistance:
- City of Cleveland Heights Office on Aging – Van Transportation to errands & medical appointments
- To sign up – contact Carolyn Neal at [email protected] or 216-691-7342
- Already signed up – contact Anne Griffith at [email protected] or 216-691-7194 to change or cancel a ride.
- Senior Transportation Connection: STC will take you to medical appointments, senior centers, grocery shopping and more! Senior Transportation Connection provides coordinated, efficient, affordable transportation for seniors and adults with disabilities throughout Cuyahoga County.
- City of Cleveland Heights Office on Aging – Van Transportation to errands & medical appointments
Rapid Transit Authority (RTA)
- RTA website
- RTA Call Customer service regarding requests and/or service ideas at 216-621-9500.
- Attend a virtual Board meetings (more info here)
Useful Transit/Transportation Apps
- Google Maps – you can get driving, walking, public transit, and cycling-specific directions
- Transit – this app gives real-time updates about when buses and other forms of public transit are arriving as well as directions
- EZ Fare – this app allows you to pay for your RTA transit fare in advance and pay for your ride once you get on the bus (etc.)
- TransLōc – use this app to track CircleLink shuttle buses
- CircleLink shuttle general info here.
- Uber – rideshare app
- Lyft – rideshare app
- Lime – locate and use electric scooters
- Bike Cleveland: Bike Cleveland is Greater Cleveland’s bike advocacy and education organization. Become a member to support their mission of creating a region that is sustainable, connected, healthy, and vibrant by promoting bicycling and advocating for safe and equitable transportation for all. Sign up for Bike Cleveland’s signature ride, the Fundo (distances vary: 10 to 60 miles). Proceeds benefit Bike Cleveland.
- Heights Bicycle Coalition: HBC is a chapter of Bike Cleveland. Their footprint includes Cleveland Heights, Shaker Heights, University, and South Euclid. They host recurring bike rides on Tuesday evenings, every other week. Rides are 8-10 miles at a casual, family-friendly pace. The meetup location for each ride is different each time, so join the email list and/or follow their Facebook Group for updates. The Heights Bicycle Coalition Facebook Group is also a great space to connect with members to ask questions, find a ride buddy, share ideas, etc. HBC has committees for Advocacy, Education & Outreach, and Marketing & Communications. They are always looking for volunteers to help out when your schedule allows.
- Slow Roll Cleveland: An evening social ride every Monday, May through October (see full schedule here). Rides are 8-10 miles at a casual, social pace. An inclusive, community bike ride with about 200-800 riders touching a different Cleveland neighborhood every week. Rides are supported by a squad of volunteers.
- League of American Bicyclists (Bike League): national advocacy organization that empowers people through education to be safer and feel more comfortable and confident to bike more by offering resources and certifications.
- Cedar Lee Bikes – local bike repair & service shop – 2309 Lee Road or call 216-471-8160
- Cain Park Bicycle – local bike repair & service shop – 1904 Lee Road or call (216) 320-0209
- Other great area bike shops – Century Cycles (Shaker Heights) and Joy Machines (Ohio City). Stop by for a test ride on a bike or ebike.
- Ohio City Bicycle Co-Op – OCBC sells used bikes, helps people fix bikes, and more!
Cycling safety & resources:
- Get Ready to Ride with the ABC Quick Check – a helpful video showing an easy way to make sure your bike is in good working order before hitting the road. Learn the steps (air-brakes-chain) and some additional tips to consider when riding an electric assist or bike (also known as an ebike).
- Ride Smart Videos. Here are a series of videos on a range of bike safety topics from the Bike League.
- ebikes – I’ll defer to Cole on this one!
- Google Maps has a bike mode where you can map out directions to a destination you want to bike to. The directions guide you through less busy streets and streets with bike lanes or bike boulevards.
- Rack & Roll with Greater Cleveland RTA – how to bring your bike on our bus and rail system
- Bikes Direct – buy bikes at a reasonable rate
- Active Transit Toolkit (ioby)
- Streetfight: Handbook for an Urban Revolution by Janette Sadik-Khan
- The Walkable City by Jeff Speck
- Confessions of a Recovering Engineer by Charles Marohn
- Not Just Bikes – YouTube Channel
- The Walkable City TEDTalk – Jeff Speck
Other resources:
- A Guide to Measuring Complete Streets Progress
- DriveOhio: DriveOhio is an initiative of the Ohio Department of Transportation, serving as the state’s hub for smart mobility technology on the ground and in the air.
- CircuitNR: A model for us to look at: “Since 2019, the City of New Rochelle has partnered up with Circuit to provide a 100% electric micro-transit solution for residents and visitors. For zero cost, Circuit takes riders anywhere within the coverage area zone through our on-demand app or by waving down a driver.”
If you have a suggestion for an additional resource, send it to [email protected].
Survey Data Report
Complete Survey Report – CC’24 Active Transportation_ Living Less Car-Centric in the Heights.