Crowdsourced Conversations – A Forum Series Curated by the People for the People.
THANK YOU to everyone who cast one of the 310 ballots we received to determine the Top 4 Topics Heights residents are interested in focusing on for the 2025 round of Crowdsourced Conversations.
Those Top 4 topics are:
- Severance Town Center (again)
- Shop Local/Show Off Local: Turning the Heights Into a Destination
- Road Safety: Drivers, Pedestrians, Cyclists in the Heights
- Affordable Housing in the Heights
STAY TUNED for further updates!
Crowdsourced Conversations is a community-building program that provides a safe and welcoming space for Heights residents to come together and brainstorm ways to become more engaged in the community.
Crowdsourced Conversations begins with a community-wide survey on a specified topic. The data collected is turned into a report and also used to help create small group discussion questions for a forum where residents can gather to determine action steps (small, medium, or large) that they can take to feel meaningfully engaged in this topic they care about. After the event is over, FutureHeights generates a resource page and event attendees are given the opportunity to stay connected to their groups and continue the conversation.
Pre-event: Each forum will have a pre-survey that will be widely circulated through the Heights for approximately one month. After the survey closes, we will generate a report and we will also use the survey responses to formulate action-oriented discussion topics for forum night. Survey reports will be posted on our website in addition to being shared with community partners and event attendees.
- NEED ASSISTANCE COMPLETING A SURVEY? Heights residents interested in participating in the survey who don’t have online access at home are able to utilize computers for no charge at any branch of Heights Libraries during their standard hours (more info here). If anyone interested in completing the surveys needs additional assistance, please connect with FutureHeights at [email protected] or by calling 216-320-1423 for accommodations.
Event day: During each forum, participants will enjoy the company of small breakout groups where, with the assistance of facilitators and notetakers, they will engage in dialogue around the evening’s topic. Discussion questions will be geared towards ways that participants can find something actionable they can do in regards to this topic they care so much about. After the small group discussion, we will reconvene as a group-at-large to share what ideas were generated.
Post-event: We recognize how huge the Crowdsourced Conversations topics are and would never presume we’d cover everything in one evening. So, with that in mind, we send each group their notes and any other handouts/resources that were presented during the forum — and we invite the groups to stay in touch as well! We encourage participants to stay connected post-forum and hope they will return to their group for the next in the conversation series to keep the conversation flowing, build community connections, and continue to brainstorm actionable ideas. Additionally, each forum topic will have a resource page on our website that includes group-generated ideas, survey results, small group questions, and more! These resource pages will be co-created by all of our community partners, event participants, and others with expertise on the topic.
Program goal: We began this series in 2022 in response to feedback that so many community events are “all talk and no action or no follow through.” With Crowdsourced Conversations, we amplify participant voices and connect residents with one another to have action-oriented discussions. Sometimes a participant’s follow-up actions may be seemingly small (for instance, at one of our 2022 forums, a resident learned about and then downloaded the Access Cleveland Heights app — a game-changer for that individual!) or seemingly large (one volunteer-based group used both the survey findings and what came up in in the small group discussions as a means to create their programming for the rest of the year). While it’s true that some of the issues we want to see action on might be the responsibility of a larger entity, our hope is that participants can find something actionable that they feel empowered to do.
We believe “everyday residents” hold immense potential to generate change in their community!
#1: Active Transportation Planning: Living Less Car-Centric in the Heights. Visit the resource page here.
#2: Turning the Noble Neighborhood & Business District Into a Destination. Visit the resource page here.
#3: Our Public Parks. Visit the resource page here.
#4: Severance Town Center. Visit the resource page here.
#1: Our Public Schools. Visit the resource page here.
#2: Traveling Around Town. Visit the resource page here.
#3: Rental Properties & Absentee/Negligent Landlords. Visit the resource page here.
#4: Planning and Development for the Heights. Visit the resource page here.
#1: Sustainability. Visit the event resource page here.
#2: Housing & Neighborhood Preservation. Visit the event resource page here.
#3: Community Safety. Visit the event resource page here.
#4: Civic Engagement. Visit the event resource page here.
This forum series is an opportunity to connect with other Heights residents about topics that impact us in a variety of overlapping ways. We hope you can join us for all four conversations! Any questions, email [email protected].
The 2024 forum series is being planned in partnership with FutureHeights Community & Civic Engagement Committee, Heights Libraries, Home Repair Resource Center, Cleveland Heights Green Team, Heights Bicycle Coalition, City of Cleveland Heights Racial Justice Task Force, representatives of Cleveland Heights City Council, and more. Thank you for the joy, wisdom, and enthusiasm you bring to the table!