Engaged Citizens. Innovative Ideas.


Created by the community, for the community.

AI generated newspapers

The monthly Heights Observer hyper-local community newspaper is the embodiment of our mission of civic engagement. Begun in 2008, the paper tells the community’s stories from the ground up: through the eyes of volunteer reporters.

6,000 free print copies are distributed monthly through Cleveland Heights and University Heights neighborhood independent businesses and institutions.

The HeightsObserver.org website provides daily updates of local news and information.

The Heights Observer continues to meet and exceed its goals of community advocacy, being a catalyst for public discourse, keeping residents informed, promoting citizen involvement, reflecting the diversity of our neighborhoods, and improving the overall quality of life for residents.

We owe it all to our community journalists and editors, whose thousands of hours of volunteer efforts make the Heights Observer one of the finest community newspapers in the nation.

AI generated boy on a bicycle reading a newspaper

Anyone can be a Heights Observer. Have a story? An event? News the community needs to know? No prior experience necessary. Send in your story today.

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Donations and advertising revenue keep this nonprofit community journalism effort afloat. Help us print next month’s issue. Donate here.