Beginning in 2019, FutureHeights, in partnership with the city of Cleveland Heights and the Cuyahoga County Land Bank, initiated a housing rehabilitation program to help bring vacant homes back to life. Since its inception, FutureHomes has been able to rehabilitate 20 homes, improving the economic, social, and environmental conditions of the neighborhoods where the properties are located. While having a diverse housing stock and options for all residents and households is important, homeownership often plays a vital role in fostering neighborhood stability. FutureHomes provides owner occupants with the opportunity to build wealth through the purchase of a completely rehabbed home. When putting together the scope of work, we focus on restoring the historic character of the homes and incorporating modern amenities into their design.
We Need You!
FutureHomes is always looking for new members on its revitalization committee. What do our volunteers do? A variety of things! The committee meets regularly, and there’s a role for anyone interested. Please complete the form below if you’re interested in learning more.
Click here to make a tax-deductible donation to support the work of FutureHomes.
Click here to view our FutureHomes Album on Facebook.
Any questions, please reach out to [email protected].