Engaged Citizens. Innovative Ideas.



WHAT is this program: The FutureHeights Neighborhood Mini-Grant award (up to $1,000) is for citizen-led projects that benefit Cleveland Heights and University Heights neighborhoods. The intention of the Neighborhood Mini-Grants program is to offer support to Cleveland Heights and University Heights groups who wish to build community by working together to start or sustain a neighborhood project or initiative.  Since 2015, we are proud to have provided mini-grant funding to 95 projects for a total of $65,930 awarded. Check out past projects and learn more in the 2023 – Neighborhood Mini-Grants Projects Report.

WHO should apply: Cleveland Heights or University Heights residents, neighborhood associations, or organizations who need a little start-up cash to get their project up and running. Please note: The FutureHeights Neighborhood Mini-Grant is a reimbursement-based grant.  Groups/projects can receive funding once per year (ex: if you receive funding in the Fall round, you would be eligible to apply again the next Fall round).

WHEN is it happening: We offer two rounds of the Neighborhood Mini-Grant every year: once in the spring and once in the fall.

WHY should you consider applying: FutureHeights’ vision is to have vibrant neighborhoods that have increased resilience through grassroots participation in civic life. Through the utilization of a program like Neighborhood Mini-Grants, Cleveland Heights and University Heights neighborhoods become stronger as neighbors get to know each other, making them better equipped to address challenges in the physical and social environment.  This empowering program  activates the assets of everyday people, nonprofit organizations, and public resources and departments and establishes a legacy of pride and commitment to the place where the participants live, work, and play.

HOW TO APPLY: We use a Google Form application.  The Fall 2024 applications are not yet live.  If your group is unable to fill out an electronic version of the application, please reach out to Sarah for assistance – swolf@futureheights.org.

DUE DATES: Applications are due March 15th (for the spring round) or September 15th (for the fall round) by 11:59pm.


Need some inspiration? 

  • View the 2023 Neighborhood Mini-Grant Celebration here.
  • View the 2022 Neighborhood Mini-Grant Celebration here.
  • View the 2021 Neighborhood Mini-Grant Celebration here.


Special thanks to our supporters and partners the Cedars Legacy Fund  for providing ongoing support for the Mini-Grants Program.



If you are interested in supporting an expansion of the Neighborhood Mini-Grant program, consider making a donation to increase our capacity to offer funding to more Heights residents ready to take on inspiring, community-building projects!

  • To make a donation to the Neighborhood Mini-Grant program, start by clicking here.
  • When you scroll to the middle of the page, you will see a section asking if your donation has a special designation — selecting “FH Neighborhood Mini-Grants” from the dropdown menu.
  • Donating to this program directly impacts Heights neighborhoods — we thank you for considering!