Living is Big Fun benefit is huge success!
Thank you for helping us celebrate the many things that make Cleveland Heights great at
a benefit for FutureHeights on August 3, 2018!
Many thanks to our hosts, Anya & John Rudd, our sponsors, and donors!
We had Big Fun honoring Steve Presser,
Cleveland Heights businessman and former owner of Big Fun,
at this elegant affair!
We enjoyed heavy appetizers, desserts and libations from these fine Cleveland Heights establishments:
Boss Dog Brewing Company, CLE Urban Winery, Lopez on Lee, Luna Bakery Café, Marotta’s, Mitchell’s Fine Chocolates, Mr. Brisket, Nighttown, Phoenix Coffee, The Fairmount, The Tavern Company, Zagara’s Marketplace, and Zoss the Swiss Baker.
We enjoyed performances by:
Peacock, Master of Ceremonies; Damien McClendon, Poet Laureate of Cleveland Heights; Maria Grace, violinist; Jacob Johnson, vocalist; and the musical stylings of D.J. Kris Koch.
Thanks also to City Architecture, Diamond Florist, Ensemble Theatre, Executive Caterers, and Flowerville for their in-kind support.
Thanks to our sponsors:
Eileen M. Burkhart & Company, LLC
Exscape Designs
David & Saroya Tabor
Tommy’s Restaurant
Kathy & Dennis Barrie
Dick Cahoon
Tom Eastman & Erik Andrews
Fifth Third Bank
FutureHeights Past Presidents
Chris Jurcisin & Ernie Cahoon
Howard Hanna Cleveland Heights Office
Rob & Julie Namy
Richard & Jude Parke
Lynn & Lute Quintrell
Tawny Ratner
Brendan Ring
Paul & Nan Volpe
Sarah & Gordon Wean
Anonymous; Brian & Megan Bash; Bob Brown & Susan Berger; Jane Busch; Mark Chupp & Sharon Shumaker; City Architecture; Coventry Village Special Improvement District; Ketti Finneran & Rick Brown; David Fleshler & Carla Tricarichi; David Goodman & Barbara Hawley; James Graham & David Dusek; Mark & Ellen Hoffman; LF Ospanik & SP Robbins Fund; Keller National; Jan & Gus Kious; Parker & Julia Kious Zabell; Micah & Nell Kirman; Andrea Morris; Jim Posch & Joyce Braverman; Law Offices of Gary Benjamin and Treasury & Finance Solutions LLC; Law Office of Rebecca Yingst Price, LLC; Cheryl L. Stephens; Jack & Blanche Valancy; Cary & Debra Zabell; John Zagara – Zagara’s Marketplace